Monday, December 22, 2014

Share a Network Folder from OS X to Windows

There ar uncounted ways in which to repeat files between computers, together with nice synchronize choices like Dropbox, however if you simply need to share one in every of your folders from your waterproof to your Windows pc, you'll be able to try this simply.

Share a Folder from OS X to Windows

To start you need to open the Sharing preference pane in System Preferences.
Once you are in there select on the File Sharing option.
Then you will want to click on the “+” underneath the Shared Folders column.
Then choose the folder you want to share. In this example we will use Share Me folder.
Next click the Options… button. In order be able to see the files from the Windows, machine you will need to click to the Share files and folder using SMB option, Also you will want to choose the users accounts who can access the files.
Now you will be able to share the files. If you Have any Query then Comment It.


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