Wednesday, November 19, 2014

You May Never Know These Google Search Tips and Tricks If You Miss This

The Google search engine is a powerful tool for a variety of tasks and problems. It can provide you with answers directly from the search tool without needing to go to a different website.
Abhishek Girish, a tech enthusiast, elaborates on this further in Quora. The post can show you what type of specialized searches you can perform, making you more productive throughout the day.
Some tools go beyond search capabilities and can actually be used to save you time. An example is the tip calculator. Next time you go to a restaurant, you can simply key in the bill, set the percentage amount and even divide it by the number of people on the table. Now that’s impressive!
Students can also benefit from the set of tools Google has to offer. For the complete list of hidden Google search tips, check out the rest of the post below.
What are some lesser known Google search tips and hacks? | Quora
Direct Answers Search for the below keywords to get direct answers, instead of links:

  • Tip Calculator - Ask how to divide a bill and Google provides you a way. Also lets you calculate the tip amount.
  • Special Days - Looking for when Thanksgiving is this year? Search for special days to get to know and also opt for reminders on Google Now. 
  • Chemical Compounds - If you search for chemical compounds, you get an option to view their structure in 3D.
  • Updates on Celebrities - Get regular updates on what celebrities are up-to, by subscribing for alerts on Google Now. One useful instance is when you want to get to know about latest albums from your favorite music artist.
  • Movie Release - Eager to know when the new Star Wars movie is going to be out? Or when was it’s last episode? Search <movie> release for the movie release date.Also, search for movie(s) to get a listing of movies screening in your city.
  • TV Show Schedule & Reminders - shows the list of recent episodes with air-dates and provides an option to set reminders for new episodes on Google Now.
  • Books by an Author shows the list of popular books by an author.Similarly, 
    Albums by an Artist - shows the list of popular albums by an artist.
    Restaurants - shows the list of restaurants near by.
  • Songs by an Artist - Shows a complete list of popular songs by an artist.
  • Flight schedule - <airline> <flight> lists the flight schedule.
  • Discover Competitors - Discover alternative products or find what to compare-to using Google auto-complete.
  • Time - shows the current local time. Similarly, time <city> for the time in a specific city.
  • Weather - shows the weather forecast for your city. Similarly, weather <city>
  • Sunrise / Sunset - shows the sunrise / sunset forecast for your city. Similarly, sunrise <city>
  • Founder / Author / … - <company> founder shows the founder of the company. Similarly <company> ceo lists the CEO of a company and <book> author shows the author of a book.
  • Capital - <country> capital lists the capital of the country.
  • Dictionary - define <word> provides the word definition.
  • Calculator - Entering a math expression provides you with the result.
  • Graph - graph for <math function> shows the function plot
  • Solve Geometry Problems - solve circle/triangle/rectangle/… 
  • Currency Converter - <Currency 1> in <Currency 2> gives you the conversion.
  • Unit Converter - <Unit 1> in <Unit 2> gives you the conversion.
  • Stock - <Stock symbol> gives you the current stock value.
Personal Results from Google+
Join Search, plus Your World and get details of Friends and Pages in your circles.

Google Site Search
Search for results from a specific site, using site:<site>

Gmail and Google Drive Results
Join the Gmail Search Field Trial and get results from your emails when searching for related topics.

  • Emails
  • Calendar
  • Files - Search for my files to get results from Google Drive
    Photos - Search for my photos to get results from Google+ Photos
    Flight Information - Search my flights or itinerary to get results from Gmail about your travel itinerary.
Google – (minus) operator
Hide results from a particular site or hide results containing a particular term using the – operator. Example: “searchquery -facebook” excludes all search results containing the term “facebook”.


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