Monday, December 22, 2014

Share a Network Folder from OS X to Windows

There ar uncounted ways in which to repeat files between computers, together with nice synchronize choices like Dropbox, however if you simply need to share one in every of your folders from your waterproof to your Windows pc, you'll be able to try this simply.

Share a Folder from OS X to Windows

To start you need to open the Sharing preference pane in System Preferences.
Once you are in there select on the File Sharing option.
Then you will want to click on the “+” underneath the Shared Folders column.
Then choose the folder you want to share. In this example we will use Share Me folder.
Next click the Options… button. In order be able to see the files from the Windows, machine you will need to click to the Share files and folder using SMB option, Also you will want to choose the users accounts who can access the files.
Now you will be able to share the files. If you Have any Query then Comment It.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Check FireFox Saved Passwords

Firefox permits you to firmly store usernames and passwords for websites in its parole Manager. once you visit one in every of the websites once more, Firefox mechanically fills within the username and parole to log you in.

If you wish to seek out out what your parole is for a particular web site that you saved your logon info, you'll be able to simply do therefore. to look at your saved passwords in Firefox, choose choices from the Firefox menu.

Let's Start: You can open the Options dialog box by selecting Options on the main Firefox menu or on the submenu.
On the Options dialog box, click the Security button at the top. In the Passwords box, click Saved Passwords.
The Saved Passwords dialog box displays each site for which you have saved your username and password, and displays the usernames. The passwords are hidden by default. To view the passwords, click Show Passwords.
A confirmation dialog box displays to be sure you want to show your passwords. Click Yes if you still want to view your passwords.
A Password column displays and all your passwords are shown. It’s a good idea to make sure no one is lurking about near you because the passwords display in plain text on the dialog box.
To delete a password from the Password Manager, select the appropriate site and click Remove. To delete all your passwords, click Remove All. To hide your passwords again, click Hide Passwords.
NOTE: You can search for a specific site using the Search box. As you type the search term, the results display in the list box. To clear your search and list all the sites, click the X button.
If you’re going to use the Firefox Password Manager, we highly recommend that you apply a master password to your stored usernames and passwords. Without a master password, if someone gains access to your account, they can easily open the Password Manager and view your passwords. To add a master password, open the Options dialog box again and select the Use a master password check box.
The Change Master Password dialog box opens. Enter a master password in the Enter new password edit box and again in the Re-enter password edit box. Click OK.
Click OK to close the message telling you that your master password has been successfully changed.
If you want to change your master password in the future, click Change Master Password on the Security screen on the Options dialog box. To close the Options dialog box and save your changes, click OK.
Now, when you click Saved Passwords on the Options dialog box to view your passwords, you must enter your master password first.
Some websites do not allow the saving of usernames and passwords.
Many websites don't permit the saving of usernames and passwords, therefore, the Firefox word Manager won't work with those sites. Also, some websites offer a choice, within the type of a check box, that permits you to remain logged in thereon web site. this is often associate freelance perform of {the web site|the web site} and works whether or not or not you have got saved your login info for that website in Firefox.

Guide To Better Google Search Techniques

The Internet is thus packed with data that it’s nearly not possible to see its limits. That’s why, search engines were developed to keep up a search-able information of the web’s content. folks use the utilization of search engines to seem up for data on the net.

In the inside of all search engines lies Google, the foremost widespread and powerful programme. You sort within the question, and therefore the programme provides you with the search results. In most cases you’re glad however typically, you’re not. this can be wherever learning the correct techniques to sort in your search question comes in handy and this can be what we’ll explore during this article.

Why The Need To Learn Proper Search Techniques?

Everyone including students, researchers, writers, etc. requires information, and they use search engines for that very reason. People spend most of their time continuously looking for the right information because they’re not aware of the proper search techniques. Learning and using good search techniques will help you in the following ways:
  • Better search results
  • Saves your time
Note: Search queries or examples are included inside [ ] for better readability. Please do not include [ ] in your search query.

How To Use Google.Com

Google is a smart and intelligent search engine with many exciting features. But not all the features are rolled out instantly for all versions. is always first to get feature updates, and then updates are provided in versions specific to different countries such as,, or
Google’s version for your country might not support all the search techniques described below. That’s why, it’s suggested to use to avail maximum benefits of the search features and techniques.
Tip: Typing automatically redirects you to its version for your country, but you can override this behavior by going to

Basic Search Techniques

1. Keep It Simple

Keep your search simple and web-friendly. Start by entering one or two words, and gradually adding relevant or important words, if you’re unsatisfied with the results. Less is more for a search engine; meaning the less words you query for, the more results the search engine provides as output.
For example:
  • Query: [who is the president of america]
  • Better query: [president of america]

2. Order Of Keywords

Select the right keywords to make your search. Search results completely depend on the given keywords, and if keywords are chosen wisely, then results are more efficient.
Put yourself in the shoes of the author, and think of what words he/she would use to write/describe what you’re trying to find. If you’re looking for a phrase or quote, then keep the order of the words as accurate as possible to get the optimum search results.
For example:
  • Query: [itself divided house cannot stand]
  • Better query: [A house divided against itself cannot stand] (part of a quote by Abraham Lincoln)

3. Skip Unnecessary Parts

Google is smart enough to handle most of your typos, and other things that could just be ignored. That’s why you should skip those things in your query to save time.
You should not worry about the following when writing a search query:
  • Spelling
  • Cases (uppercase or lowercase)
  • Punctuation (dot, question mark, exclamation mark, and more)
  • Special characters (plus, minus, brackets, and more)

4. Social Search

Google is really good at handling searches related to people and social networks. You cansearch for people and their social profiles using:
By adding a ‘+’ before a profile-name, you can search for Google+ profiles and pages.
Using the ‘#’ before a word enables you to search for hashtags in Google+, Twitter, and more social networks.
For example: [#privacy]
You can search for social accounts associated with a person’s name by putting the ‘@’ sign before his/her name.

Intermediate Search Techniques

Note: Zip codes work very well for the US, but for other countries, it’s better to write the country name followed by the zip code.
For example: [new delhi, india] and [india 110033] is the same.

5. Get Sunrise And Sunset Times

You can use Google to get sunrise and sunset times for many cities of the world. Type your search query in the format of [sunrise place-name] or [sunrise zip-code] to get the sunrise time for the specified location. For sunset times, just subtitute the words as per the following style of [sunset place-name] or [sunset zip-code].
For example:
  • [sunrise chicago, usa] or [sunrise 60611]
  • [sunset chicago, usa] or [sunset 60611]

Advanced Search Techniques

Note: You can use the Google Advanced Search form for a more convenient search.

6. Synonym Search

You can use the synonym search feature to tell Google to even search for synonyms of a specified word in the search query. This is helpful for when you want to search for a word and all its similar words without having to spend time looking for them individually.
Using the tilde symbol (~) before a word tells Google to search for the words and its synonyms too. Type your search query in the format of [~synonymWord otherWords] to search for the word and its synonyms in a single search.
For example: [~sweet fruit]

7. Search For Numbers In A Range

You can tell Google to search within a range of numbers, such as dates, prices, and measurements. Using two periods (dots) between two numbers makes Google search within that number range and skip other results.
Using two periods after a number indicates a lower minimum (number..) while putting it before the number indicates a higher maximum (..number). Type your search query in the format of [firstNumber..secondNumber otherWords] to search between a specified lower and upper bounds.

8. Search Using File Types

You can tell Google to search for a specified type of file for your query. Using filetype operators before a type of file tells Google to search only for specified file types and skip other files. Type your search query in the format of [filetype:type otherWords] to search for a specific file type.
For example: [filetype:pdf free photoshop books]

Complex Search Techniques

You can also use more than one of these techniques in a single search query. You cancombine the above methods to make a complex search query, which will provide efficient and focused results.

Restore Deleted Default Libraries Shortcuts|Works In Windows 7 And 8

If you're employed on Windows you'd apprehend the Libraries folder. In Libraries, all the files on your pc or external exhausting drives are categorised into Documents, Music, image and Videos mechanically. These libraries square measure terribly convenient to possess, notably once you have lots of files in your exhausting drives.

If for some reason any of these shortcuts somehow get deleted (woops!), don’t worry, there’s a way to restore them. Here’s what you do.

Restoring Default Libraries

There are two methods to bring back the default libraries shortcut, the first is really simple; the second requires you to download a registry file. If the first method doesn’t work, try the registry file method.

Method #1

To begin, open up Windows Explorer via the icon which looks like file folders (see image). If you do not have that icon on your taskbar, just search for Windows Explorer from the Start menu if you’re on Windows 7 or or Windows 8.

Windows Explorer

Next, look for Libraries on the left sidebar, right click, then choose "Restore default libraries". If your libraries have been restored, then you’re done. If not, move on to method #2.
Restore default libraries

Method #2

Method 1 didn’t get the job done? Then you’re going to need this here. Double click on it and choose Run.
Run registry key
Your computer will ask you whether you want to give permission to this file to make changes on your computer; click Yes. If you see another window saying "adding information can unintentionally change or delete values and cause components to stop working correctly," keep calm and click Yes again.
User Account Control
You will be shown a third window. This one will say that "the keys and values have been successfully added to the registry," which means you’re done.
Just restart your computer to have your default libraries restored.
Successfully added registry key

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Get Command Prompt on Right-Click| Works In Sp2 And Sp3

The Solution:
You can either edit your registry.
Now Let's Start:
  1. Start > Run
  2. Enter "regedit" and hit Enter
  3. Expand to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell"
  4. Right-click on "shell" and select New > Key
  5. Make sure a new key is created under "shell". Change the name of this key to "Command Prompt"
  6. Right-click on this new key "Command Prompt" and select New > Key
  7. Change the name of this key to "command"
  8. Here's what we should have: 
  9. Double-click on the "(Default)" text on the right window to bring up the edit box
  10. Enter this text into the Value Data field:
    cmd.exe "%1"
  11. Click OK and close the registry.
That's Done! If You Have Any Query Then Tell Me.

Install Android on Pc


  1. You need to download VM VirtualBox.
  2. Download Android x86 Image file of Latest Android KitKat or any old android versions.

Steps to Install Android on Pc:

  1. Install VirtualBox on your PC.
  2. Open VirtualBox and select New. In the dialog box enter the name as your wish and select
    i) Type : Linux
    ii) Version : Other Linux
    iii) select Next.
  3. Now Enter the memory size as your wish.
    Note Minimum 1 GB required for KitKat and click on next.
  4. In the next dialog box select create a virtual hard drive. Select VDI or VHD and then select fixed or dynamically allocated as your wish and create the virtual drive.
    Note Mininimum 1 GB required for installation.
  5. Select Virtual device and select settings, a dialog box appears.
    Select :-
    i) Storage > Storage Tree > Empty.
    ii) In the attributes section select the Android 4.4 (KitKat) iso file you downloaded and check Live Cd/Dvd, then click Ok.
  6. Then start the virtual device. In the screen select Install Android-x86 to hard disk.
  7. Next select Create/Modify Partition.
  8. Then reate a new primary bootable partition and select write, After finishing writing select quit.
  9. Install android in sda1 and select type as ext3 , choose yes for installing.
  10. After installing remove live iso from VirtualBox and reboot. Now you can boot into Android 4.4(KitKat).
You are sucessfully Installed Android on Pc, If you face any problem fell free to discuss in comments,